You're in!

You're in!
What to expectTimeline & Rules

what to expect

Not sure how it all works? see below on what to expect:

1. Branch Qualifiers

Your local branch hosts a qualifier round to determine who competes in regionals. You will be facing up against many young plumbers like yourself, we will provide a light dinner and beverages.

2. Regionals

Congratulations 🎉 Branch winners and 2nd place getters move up and compete in their Regional event, hosted at an offsite venue (see timeline for locations). You will be competing against like-minded individuals that have proven themselves, so bring your ‘A’ game. And again, we will put on a spread; we encourage supporters at our regional events so bring your boss and/or a plus one.

3. Nationals

So you’ve clearly got some game and have scored higher than many top-level plumbers! You should be proud! Qualifiers and Regionals are nothing compared to the National Final.

Next Year

Not get as far as you would have hoped? Dont worry, you can always come back next year. Young plumbers can re-enter for another chance to become the next Young Plumber of the Year.

how do i win?

You will be tested on your practical skills and theory knowledge. Winners + runner ups move to the next round.

See more details below.

How we score

Each round is scored on a variety of factors such as time, accuracy, attitude, tidiness & care, health & safety and theory knowledge.

We add up each round and deliver the results at the end of the night.


Each station is run by our sponsors, who have crafted their own skills test to challenge your technical know-how. From installing inlet valves to mapping out plumbing for an entire house. You can look forward to being exposed to new techniques and products from suppliers.


We’ve developed a  questionnaire to test your mental game. Challenge accepted 💪

You have 20 mins to complete the quiz.

Wild Cards

At each branch event, there is an opportunity to secure a spot at a Regional Final as a wild card. Simply place 2nd and your on your way!

There are also two opportunities to make it through to the National Final as a wild card,  this is determined by the next two highest scores nationwide from the regional final rounds.

Things to keep in mind

Whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned contestant, mark your calendar where and when your branch qualifier event is by viewing the Timeline, make sure you’ve read over the competition rules and remember to have fun 🎉🥳

Young Plumbers Club Logo

Your local Plumbing World helps bring to life the YPC, serving our plumbers and tradies, the future leaders of plumbing.



06 350 1636


Plumbing World Support Office
599 Main Street, Palmerston North 4414